SAT (Self Adhering Technology) TPO Roofing System
Kick-It, Peel-It, Stick-It with Sure-Weld SAT (Self Adhering Technology) TPO Roofing System with factory applied adhesive combining the energy efficiency and durable characteristics that Sure-Weld TPO consistently provides with the ease of installation associated with a factory-applied adhesive. Elimination of solvents makes installation environmentally friendly and odor free, which is key for hospitals, nursing homes, schools and other occupied buildings.
• Sure-Weld SAT carries ENERGY STAR®, Title 24 compliance, FM, UL and CRRC ratings
• New and improved adhesive formulation
• Extremely durable, three layer membrane
• Reduces labor and material handling
• Lacks fumes and odor
• Highly chemical and contaminant resistant
• Available in a sheet width of 10' which allows for quicker installation and fewer seams
• Smooth membrane reduces dirt buildup and stays cleaner longer
• A full line of pressure-sensitive and pre-formed TPO accessories are available
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What’s the wind upload per floor? temp. it can be applied?
Not a good product try using this on a cold day you’ll have to wait till summer to be installing this type of single ply
This material is great! Construction and application looks easy too!
STICKING IT takes no time at all… gotta time the whole process
Crazy that there is no cant strip at the parapet wall!
What do you do about sides(facial)
It’s very quick when it’s an open roof like that with no curbs, pipes, or ac units
Lot of waste
Firestone gotta better product
like the music these guys play !
If you would like to adhere directly over an EPDM membrane it is suggested to use a fleeceback membrane and adhere it with a lowrise foam adhesive.
fold the ends of the sheet in 2 ft before you fold the sheet back and peel the plastic . fly in both sides of the sheet ….then peel the plastic on your 2ft ends and roll those in . why fight the flashing while your tryn to get the sheet in wrinkle free .
Siempre el mexicano es el chingon en usa
This stuff looks amazing. Is there a residential application for the Sure-Weld SAT? Thanks for well done video.
It is made for residential and commercial HOWEVER their warranties for residential are excessively minimalistic and it gets expensive fast
jr260551.. I believe they left 2″ of membrane up the parapet to act as a RUSS strip, add 2″ plates or term bar and fasteners to wall membrane. Save money by doing it this way and it does meet manufactures specifications.
can this be applied over an exciting rubber roof
frank no you have to at least install 1/4 inch secure rock on top of that or use a flies spec roll so you can go over it . Robles roofing company in oxnard California any question happy to ansewar them
way too expensive considering the materials.
Wow I like that.. Cuts man hours though.. Since no adhesive is rolled onto the ISO board and membrane.. I also noticed no plates were lined down the seam in the field.
@Michael Ledford I agree to an extent. The prep work gets extensive after a tear off. Unless you’re putting on a thick separator such as I do with board, it can get complicated. However it can still be better than other adhered options.
The main factor to consider shouldn’t be price but resistance to uplift
John B Don’t worry too much about losing man hours with peel & stick single plys because they are only good for new construction where man hours are low to start with ,it’s impossible to use these peel n stick systems on a pitch or asphalt roof tear off because the dust contaminates the field sheet .
here in jersey it cost about 600.00 a roll
afternoon hail storm maybe?