Thank you. I’m building a 10’ x 12’ Gazebo (the roof will be of course a little bigger) I’m going with a hip style roof. Where do I start the first panel?
You had me! Great videos and I was hooked into your instruction. Then I saw the sales pitch for the videos. Probably worth the money for newbies but you lost me. have a great day!
I liked the series for the most part I just wish you had shown the chimney pieces being put on instead of just describing it. The whole point of buying a video is to SEE it done. The other chapters were good.
Does anyone on here know what type of wood stripping i should use between my shingle and metal roof? Will yellow pine work good? I know pressure treated will rot metal roofs.
I sent this guy a question on his web sight a month ago and still haven’t received a reply. I would like to purchase full videos but am hesitant to because of this.
Wouldn’t the horizontal stringers trap condensation and rot the untreated furring strips ? At the least some thin verticals should be run then the horizontals. Now condensation can find it’s way to the gutter.
Put the entire video on Youtube and make $$$ millions on all the hits you will get.
Thank you. I’m building a 10’ x 12’ Gazebo (the roof will be of course a little bigger) I’m going with a hip style roof. Where do I start the first panel?
You had me! Great videos and I was hooked into your instruction. Then I saw the sales pitch for the videos. Probably worth the money for newbies but you lost me. have a great day!
Will wonders never cease, a roofer without a tan??
pay to watch? dumb!
great. save money, I like it.
Thank you so much for your videos! Excellent explanations even in small details!
There’s nothing about flashings or drip edge or valleys or ect ect? Where are all the wonder videoS
I liked the series for the most part I just wish you had shown the chimney pieces being put on instead of just describing it. The whole point of buying a video is to SEE it done. The other chapters were good.
greet video thanks
Does anyone on here know what type of wood stripping i should use between my shingle and metal roof? Will yellow pine work good? I know pressure treated will rot metal roofs.
1×4 yellow pine!
I didn’t see anything that helped me in this video
Good informative video… it should have been a little bit longer.
So where’s all the videos that you describe of those video series. ?
nice tips on your video, feel confident with myself about being able to get it done right.
I sent this guy a question on his web sight a month ago and still haven’t received a reply. I would like to purchase full videos but am hesitant to because of this.
Wouldn’t the horizontal stringers trap condensation and rot the untreated furring strips ? At the least some thin verticals should be run then the horizontals. Now condensation can find it’s way to the gutter.
Thank you soooo much.