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NEW ROOFING PRODUCTS 2019 – This Show Had Some Surprisingly Cool Stuff!

Matt repots from Nashville at the pleasantly surprised to find 10 killer products he saw walking around the trade-show floor! A Stinger nail faster, porcelain roofing, and a really smart way of not ruining your gutters with the benefit of a fast clean up after a roof replacement!
FYI: Matt's wearing this travel pack by Wandrd (affiliate link)

Thanks to Sherwin Williams for brining The Build Show to Nashville

Follow along behind the scenes at

Huge thanks to our Show sponsors Polywall, Huber, Dorken Delta, Prosoco, & Rockwool for helping to make these videos possible! These are all trusted companies that Matt has worked with for years and trusts their products in the homes he builds. We would highly encourage you to check out their websites for more info.

Author: admin



  1. simeric2

    Actually @ 10:45 “TheCatchAll”, we show that we care by laying down tarps and leaning 1/2″ CDX plywood under the eaves to protect the siding and plants. Also we protect the gutters with 2 by 6 toe-boards with roof-jacks and would never subject them to the collisions shown in the video. That fabric is going to cave in on the plants rather quickly. Even if the project does not require plywood installation, a good roofer will have plenty on hand and simply use it on the next job. This gear would be good for major moss removal and gutter cleaning but not as strong as plywood and tarps for tear-off.

    1. James P

      Dont know if you have ever done this or not. When you can not get the plywood up to the house because of bushes use a extension ladder and screw blocks to the back of your plywood. Then hang the plywood by the blocks in the ladder rungs. It is much faster to set up than building a 2×4 support behind the plywood. You can even screw so 2×4 to the plywood sides as guides if you wanted.

  2. nagel133

    What happens with that nail gun when you hit a stud? does it automatically adjust and increase the force to penetrate or do you have to readjust it manually? main reason why everyone uses hammers for roofing.

    1. Mindyourown Business

      @mike grant have you seen any of Kyle from mr buildings videos on YouTube? If you haven’t then I would highly recommend that you check them out especially the ones in the “cabin in the woods,” series of videos. In these he is installing a standing seam roof and has a few good valleys that he has to incorporate his keen level of detailing in to,the roof looks absolutely amazing when it is finished. He shows the cutting and fitting in great detail,it would be a good thing for anybody to watch who is going to be fitting their own metal roof.
      IMO standing seam is the way to go as there is no chance of leaks through the failure of the rubber washers on the fixings.
      Here in the uk slates,clay or concrete tiles are generally used with the odd thatched roof here and there,on some really nice homes there are copper or zinc metal roofs in some cases. It’s a great roofing material.

    2. uare you

      @Chris B not in michigan….at least not in the country. We don’t have a lot of rules and regulations out here..
      As a matter of fact…if the home has no or a very small amount of insulation in the attic or the attached garage has no attic fire stop (quite common out here)
      The snow will release so violently that it rips snow stops or bars right off…takes vent pipes off too..

  3. Lew

    Lots of interesting stuff at the show with Matt “Mock-Up” Risinger. I appreciate a builder who would care enough to not leave a mess behind. After contractors installed new gutters on the hacienda, I spent several hours picking up several pounds of metal with a magnet in the landscape beds.

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