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Metal Roofing with collated fasteners: Is it worth it?

Is it worth having a metal roofing gun that utilizes collated fasteners? After using it for a job or two, I can immediately say yes…if you can find the fasteners for a reasonable price. When installing screws in a metal roof either DIY or for a profession, the worst part is bending over all the time, trying to juggle a handful of screws, and inevitably dropping the screws. Collated fasteners and Simpson Quik Drive are definitely the answer, but at the cost of about three time the screw cost. If I can find a source for screws that are economically reasonably for the time saved and effort it takes to install, I will definitely be using this more often.

The Quik Drive installs the screw with consistent depth every-time. Yes, I have had a couple issues here and there, but overall what tool doesn't have an issue.

amazon link where I bought it
Quik Drive BGP 300:
Makita XSF05 Screwgun:

Author: admin



    1. Jerry Hubbard

      it is a cable re-track system. The one we used during bridge work would cable out about 20 feet. It works like a seat belt. it runs out as you move and spring pulls it back as you get closer to the reel. if you fall or slip suddenly, it has an internal clutch and stops the cable as a seat belt would do. It works great but wearing it all day will get to you. It has a constant pull.

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