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  1. Kalen Mills

    Hey Matt, I would love to see a cut away diagram or mocked up display of this house’s walls and windows/doors. The kind that show all the layers and how they are fastened. So interesting.

  2. stevest1300

    This is the kind of video I love to see on checking out pros and cons of something…delivered quickly with no useless filler or stupid intros. When I need more detail, there will be other videos with it. Thanx for your brevity and clarity.

  3. Tessloneill

    I live in the Hill Country of Texas. Do you know a builder that builds metal houses? I just bought some property and I am looking for a builder to build a metal house that has a contemporary look.

  4. ataylor

    I work in the oil fields around East Texas and NW Louisiana and I see many of the old field offices from the 30’s still standing, they called them dog houses and they were completely clad in metal.

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