Metal Roofing & Siding – Top 10 Reasons to Choose it
I'm a big fan of Metal Roofing & Siding. Let me share with you a house I built with both and tell you my Top 10 Reasons to use Metal Roofing & Siding
I'm a big fan of Metal Roofing & Siding. Let me share with you a house I built with both and tell you my Top 10 Reasons to use Metal Roofing & Siding
What is the mm of sheets of roof and sides?
Hey Matt, I would love to see a cut away diagram or mocked up display of this house’s walls and windows/doors. The kind that show all the layers and how they are fastened. So interesting.
What is your favorite brand of metal siding?
I’d love to see the floorplan for the house in this video. I think you said it was 1700 sq’ in the HVAC video.
want more info in metal walls. explain the air gap, where is vapor barrier?
Don’t forget about rainwater collection
Hi Matt! I’m a new subscriber. Absolutely amazing content! I’m so glad you are in Texas! I’m binging on most of your videos and learning a ton!
I wouldnt mind seeing a off grid cabin with metal siding and metal roof
Would like to see x-sections of adding foam or other options. Sheathing requirements?
awesome yes, but sure gets lousy reception on my cell phone
Hi I’m looking for the video on metal siding how put it up. Do u have video out there and if you do I can’t find it.
I’m wondering if you recommend metal in the north east. I’m a huge fan of your channel, have you done any work out in New Jersey?
Hello. Can I install metal siding on a house build from cinder block and how do they hold up in a hurricane?
My metal building comes this Wednesday! It will be my house! ?
Can you do metal siding over traditional 16oc studs with no plywood sheathing? Gonna do spray foam insulation
This is the kind of video I love to see on checking out pros and cons of something…delivered quickly with no useless filler or stupid intros. When I need more detail, there will be other videos with it. Thanx for your brevity and clarity.
I live in the Hill Country of Texas. Do you know a builder that builds metal houses? I just bought some property and I am looking for a builder to build a metal house that has a contemporary look.
what about ice storms?
Would love to see a video on the flashing install around the window. Also what you think of zinc siding products VM zinc sells some nice products
@Brad Davies Zinc is awesome! But pricey $$$$$
I work in the oil fields around East Texas and NW Louisiana and I see many of the old field offices from the 30’s still standing, they called them dog houses and they were completely clad in metal.