How to Make Better Roofs in The Sims 4 (Builder’s Bible: Building Tutorial)
A roofing tutorial in The Sims 4! How to make better roofs!
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Are we not going to talk about the giant pig?
My thoughts as well!
@Jewel Kinlaw She’s 21 tho ?
I need to know about the pig!
Its literally a decrortive item sized up
house tour the pig sis.
that pig in newcrest really spooked me…
Omg yass
Hey that’s his home! He just out here living his best life
My roof and I think you’re a narcissist
I think you’re a narcissist and my roof
my narcissist *is* a roof.
Narcissist roof I think
I think my roof is narcissist
OMG what is happening XD
My husband and I think you’re a roof
I find this so funny
@Saintery oop
@DoYouKnowWhoYouAre My wife and roof think you’re a narcissist
Me and my roof think your a wife
Nice ref to The comment above you lmao ?
But Kayak does YOUR husband think you’re a narcissist?
But does her narcissist thinks she is a husband?
I am wheezing from this comment god dang it
@l0v3_Un1c0rn5 _yay its a joke….
Her names kayla but ok ?
She shall be known as kayak
Kayla is the only rapid constructer I STAN even if she is a narcissist.
@eily well it was news to me, had to share it
my narcissist and i think you’re a husband
Angela Delaney we all kno that
*husband,, not narcissist ?peasant
I’m joking ?
What’s even more exciting about the giant pig is the fact that a sim lives there.
My narcissist and I think your a husband ❤️
I can concur with this sentiment.
You need a oscar for this
Kayla!!! Why do your airpods have wires!!
Cyrus – I was gonna say that 🙁
Because she can afford the wire
@ayla they’re stringpods
welcome to the future
1:11 Why is there a pig just randomly sitting there on a lot????
It was used for a size up and down tutorial video
Cause it’s the year of the pig
don’t question her. Shes only 14!! hahahah
1:17 Okay are we just gonna ignore the Newcrest Pig?
It’s been there videos ago
my dog and i think you’re a talented builder
Okay but like, the pressing shift to only move in one half of the roof? Life changing XD
My Eliza Pancakes and I think you, an 8 year old Kellogg, are a narcissist
Because she’s a stalker
Why does everyone hate Eliza
mY hUSbAnD aND I ThINk yoU’rE a nArCIssIsT
@Jewel Kinlaw they are, aren’t they? Also it’s cool to confuse newbies with real old memes.
Clara T ?thank you? kayak ? memes are the best memes
@Jewel Kinlaw memes never die here on little mimsie
don’t bully her. Shes only 14!!
lol ik the meme is dead
Umm EA why isn’t Kayla part of the sims team?
xXOof Xx sim guru Kayak
@Bryan White LMAOOO
They don’t like her as competition ?
My roof and I think you’re a narcissist.
So umm explain the sized up pig… ?
Oh yeah Yeah Pink Floyd was there
I would love to see you build a Victorian style home with lots of octagonal roofing!