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How to Install Roof Shingles | Ask This Old House

Ask This Old House general contractor Tom Silva reveals the best ways to secure shingles to a roof. (See below for a shopping list, tools, and steps.)
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Shopping List for How to Install Roof Shingles:
– 8-inch aluminum drip edge [ ]
– 1 1/4-inch galvanized roofing nails [ ]
– 30-lb. asphalt roofing felt paper [ ]
– 3-tab shingles [ ]

Tools List for How to Install Roof Shingles:
– Chalk line [ ]
– Tape measure [ ]
– Hammer [ ]
– Rafter square [ ]
– Utility knife [ ]

Steps for How to Install Roof Shingles:
1. These project guidelines are for low roofs that allow easy access, such as those on porches, sheds, or doghouses. For larger roofs, hiring a professional roofing crew with proper fall protection is advised.
2. Line up aluminum drip edge flush with the edge of the roof and make a pencil line at the top on each end of the house.
3. Using the chalk line, snap a line between the two marks to get a straight edge.
4. Pull the drip edge down about a half-inch from that line to create a gap between the drip edge and the fascia board.
5. Nail the drip edge in place using 1 1/4-inch galvanized roofing nails and a hammer.
6. Repeat steps for gabled ends, installing the drip edge up the roof along the gable.
7. Lay out 30-lb. asphalt roofing felt paper and nail it in place using 1 1/4-inch galvanized roofing nails.
8. To lay out the design for the shingles, begin at the bottom of the roof and place a tape measure 1/2 inch from the edge of the roof to ensure the shingles overhang the drip edge.
9. Mark 12 inches up on the roof for the first course of shingles, then mark every 5 inches all the way up the roof to set your reveal. Do this on both sides of the roof.
10. Using the chalk line, snap a straight line on each 5-inch increment.
11. Use the chalk line to snap a straight line vertically every 6 inches.
12. Install a starter course by cutting off the three tabs on a shingle, leaving only the top tar section.

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How to Install Roof Shingles | Ask This Old House

Author: admin



    1. Colorado Consultants For Roofing

      To sum it up:

      1. you ever watch debunking videos, Mythbusters, news shows that chase scammers. etc? it’s kind of along those lines, mixed with America’s Funniest Home Videos.
      2. every field has their respective groups on YouTube that go around correcting each other. Why would roofers be different than gamers, engineers, architects, and whatever reason you told yourself you made an account.
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