how to install grp fibreglass flat roof, roofing tutorial pt 1
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Im going to show you how to install a GRP fiberglass flat roof from start to finish, i will do the video in two parts because otherwise it would be too long, i will go over the materials and stages and try show you as best i can how to do the job properly.
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music from epidemicsound
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songs used : mountain downhill, positronic emotions, light em up
Thanks for watching!
“How to watch yer dad install a GRP Fibreglass flat roof. Pt 1” I jest, Good job lads! 🙂
cheers gary lol
Invest in a couple of extension poles, makes it so much easier and saves the backs in few years
U dont really need to bandage it mate
just a pointer… music is too loud and vocals low so everytime the music comes on its too loud and when vocals kick in you gotta turn it up again after turning it down on the music… slightly annoying but a great video.
always smiling your dad ? good work again
cheers baz 🙂
Come down south and do my extension please,
will do jason 🙂
Was it not possible to just overboard that roof? Asking bc I’ve got my own to do and I really don’t fancy stripping the old one off.
nice work..just one question to fix your osb boards did u use just yellow screws or galvanized ones,?
Awesome work. Need more skilled people like yourself in Auckland New Zealand. keep it up
+Alfred Hunt thanks Alfred buddy ?
Did you install the f300 flat flashing trim under the tiles?
Another fantastic video stu.well done to u and KC pal.what a fantastic job ???
Excellent video and prob. one of the kind for what I am looking for on youtube… I have a question… When you installed firings, it created slope, but on the side facia details it doesnt looks like there is a slope (I am taking about video at 5:12 …. visually – I am sure there is a slope … or it it just me that not seeing it?)! why is that?
Hi Stu love the vids! I have a small concrete porch roof how would you waterproof it? the concrete absorbs moisture currently, could I coat it in isoflex liquid rubber? As their is no insulation between the concrete and internal ceiling so the moisture is sitting on ceiling and creating damp, need to resolve this before winter sets in look forward to your response
You could create whats called a warm deck roof on top with a system of your choice as the finish
Hi, I noticed the roof has insulation, was this not ventilated over or was it not required? there anything you cant do.truely multiskilled??
Thanks for these videos, Im just about to do my fitst fibreglass roof and this has been an invaliable watch for me.
Did you do a bricklaying apprenticeship & learn other things along the way or a general construction one? Thanks
Nvq bricklaying and 20 years fitting windows and doors ?
Can you fibreglass over asphalt?
did he call that insulation
Pukka job stu, were wedges specially cut for you?
Known as firrings down our way ?
yes pal