How To Build A Lean To Shed – Part 7 – Roofing Install
Install asphalt roofing on storage shed.
For Shed Plans to this and other sheds please visit our website at
Tools I use:
► Hitachi Nail Gun
► Estwing Hammer
► Makita Cordless Drill
► Makita Cordless circular saw
► Stanley tape measure
► Speed square
► Framing hammer Estwing
► Compound miter saw
► Multi position ladder
► Roofing nailer Max USA
Learn how to install 3 tab asphalt shingles on a lean to shed. This video shows:
-How to install the roof drip edge
-How to install roofing paper or felt
-How to make and install roofing starter strips
-How to install the asphalt shingles
-How to cut the end shingles off
-How to finish the lean to shed roof ridge
-How to install the ridge metal on the lean to shed
For Shed Plans to this and other sheds please visit our website at
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WARNING: These projects can be dangerous, posing risks of personal injury, or property damage, and in some cases, death. There may be the possibly other risks of which I am not fully aware. Use of video content and or website information is at your own risk.