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GAF HDZ Invited to Duration VS IKO Dynasty Roofing Shingles Pull test

Roof Shingles: OC Duration VS IKO Dynasty roofing pull test
We have Invited GAF to participate in shingle comparison.
Comment Below what do you think about GAF VS IKO VS OC Duration shingles

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It was day 1 of IRE when we came across the Owens Corning booth and spotted a fun little challenge that caught our attention. The shingle pull test. We recently started doing some shingle quality tests in our Roofing Insights warehouse and one of them was a pull test, so we though't we'd continue our research here at the IRE in Dallas, TX. We noticed that the OC pull test station did not have it's most similar competitor (the IKO Dynasty shingle) so we went over to the IKO booth for a sample. When we compared OC Duration to the IKO Dynasty, the IKO product seemed to hold up a little bit better than OC in this particular test. However, we had mixed results in our own tests at home which leads us to believe both shingles are neck to neck in their quality and build.

Thank you OC and IKO for letting us have a field day and showing our Roofing Insights family that your products are superior, especially when compared to a few VERY large and well-known brands.

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  1. John L.

    Great video! I’m in the market for a new roof. Cant wait for the full test video of all the main good shingles. This will help me pick the right shingle for my roof. Please do a test on underlayment too. They have to many out there and I’m not sure which one is good to buy very confusing. Keep up the great work and thank you for educating us.

  2. Philip Nafziger

    I tried out IKO and the dynasty…. the granule loss affected our ability to walk 8/12 so bad that we had to use cushions on the entire roof. If they fixed that issue, it would be a different story. I do not care how good their nail strip is if the granule loss continues to affect the installation like that.

    1. T

      I quit installing Iko roofs when I slipped on a 7:12 do to access granules I had a pipe flashing in my hand fell on the pipe flashing and cut my thumb tendon in two I’m surprised they haven’t fix this problem

  3. Justin Rogers

    I appreciate your efforts in making these tests but this whole test is predicated on sealant failure happening first. It is also highly variable when you guys have to yank on the shingle as well as the entire nail pulling out with the pull tests. I will also say, in all of my roof inspections I’ve never seen a nail come out with a blow off if the decking is in good condition.

    1. bigmacattk

      Just playing devil’s advocate here. Wouldn’t the sealant failure be more likely to happen when sticking to large granulars, or micro vs sealing on a smooth cloth strip? Isn’t that painting 101

    2. Justin Rogers

      Safe Roofing we’re GAF master elite and have 6 nailed shingles (in the line) since inception. None of my roofs have had blow offs and any failures of architectural shingles I’ve seen is from improper nailing.. Not structural failure from guys ripping shingles off.

    3. Safe Roofing

      This is a good comment. We are a roofing company, and we have observed the same thing. First, the sealant needs to fail, and some shingles have better sealant than others. For example, in the past, we have used some GAF shingles and their sealant was extremely good. Second, it also depends on where you put the nails. High nails will decrease the wind-resistance significantly, period. We have used GAF, IKO, Malarkey, BP and CertainTeed shingles in the past six years and 0 wind blow-offs. Some of the shingles have a large nailing zone and others don’t, but the end result is the same (for us). This is mostly to do with two things: accurate nailing and we pay attention to the weather. No winter re-roofing, partially because the sealant won’t seal properly.

    1. Roofing Insights

      we LOVE OC! They were so accommodating and are obviously confident in their product. We thought it would be fun to compare some true competition. We are also doing some tests in our home lab and OC is performing exceptionally well. Stay tuned!

  4. Your Average Roofer

    This is why I ask everyone if they have used the dynasty line when they say iko sucks. I guess GAF isn’t even a competitor and that’s why they won’t enter any of these challenges! ?

  5. Napistim Horse

    they are both Great!!! O.C has nicer colour selection tho. BUT!!! Iko Cambridge shingles are just as good, it depends on who’s installing them etc… I live in SK Canada. we have 70KM winds and +35 su shine and we get below 30 weather aswell. and I have zero problems. 🙂 Cheers like I said it depends on who’s installing them etc.

  6. SeekTruthinLight

    What about push test– wind, seeing how the nail area is so thin- it is the weak point by design, in error, where the common bond does not extend under the nail zone quite far enough for added strength. I don’t want to believe GAF is far into planned obsolescence. The Nail did its job but the shingle ripped as easy as it does. Come on, GAF, Yall can do better. That said… It’s amazing what they do, meeting the need, in a complex world of balance.

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