Extreme Life: Roofing
Roofing – this is quite a dangerous extreme sport is distributed mainly in large cities.People interested in seeing the views from rooftops in the city call themselves roofers. Give a like and subscribe to my channel if you liked this video.
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The clip with the Hoverboard is stupid that thing can have a technical problem and he is dead
@Big Man Yeah you are brainless that’s for sure but isn’t your life precious?Don’t you care about. I don’t care if you die you go to hell.I’m not the one with 10 Iq Who will die because of nothing.But always it’s the first time and you ‘re gonna make a mistake and then you will regret that you’ve ever made this kind of sport.You will scream before you die and you know that you can’t avoid the death.But go on do your hobby it will happen sooner or later.
Vonique, you said all:-) :-)..
YZY Hustler Do you really think thats the one thing someone crazy enough to roof will care about?
Jeno and Maves, you SERIOUSLY need to find other hobbies!
For sure the most will. I am a roofer too and never would something so stupid.
Der Typ mit dem Hoverboard da an der Kante ist doch nicht ganz sauber
@Gasemit 25 Stell dir vor du läufst da unten und wirst von so einem Deppen erschlagen
Die haben doch alle einen an der Waffel
Das ist Oleg Cricket.
i almost passed out when he used a board, that’s too much danger
i can’t even watch this
0:57 Just UFF
More like “showing off” not roofing.
Grave yard kidz ?
Its time to let them leave
a way of life
увы, “чем больше руферов, тем меньше руферов” тут не работает
он же русский)Там видео марвина)
yes awesome life style
Аж ладошки вспотели пока смотрел
Sound pls
nice Sound
+ExLife Thx
RW Smith – Turn On
Tobias Me I love them!
never cringed that hard before
Furkan Akpınar kids, learn english, you obviously don’t know what cringe means
Furkan Akpınar You obviously dont know what “cringe” means
Ich (Elektrotechniker) habe an sich keinerlei Probleme mit Höhe, aber was ich hier sehe wäre nichts für mich.
Passt auf euch auf.