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    1. EverSeal Roofing

      @Sucess2u Manage Thankfully our warranty does provide full coverage for 50 years. We GUARANTEE your roof will stop leaking immediately. We also GUARANTEE it will not leak again. If your roof leaks again, the materials, labor, or both will be provided to you for FREE at any point over the next 50 years. Also our system is NOT a coating. Even though our system is applied as a liquid, the finished product is a fully-encapsulated, fully-ventilated and strength-reinforced roof system leaving virtually no way for water to ever enter in again. Our job is to make sure EverSeal clients never have to worry about their flat roofs again.

    2. Sucess2u Manage

      Is not that they warranty 50 years dont meant that of it leaks within fifty years they will fix it NO!!is a coat they put on ” is not going to last 50 years, it also depends on weather conditions

    3. EverSeal Roofing

      Hi Frank! The EverSeal system is an excellent rust inhibitor. However, if the material were somehow punctured, a repair would need to be made to prevent any potential for rust or leaking. Hope that answers your question and thanks for asking!

    1. Mason Milliken

      Hi TR5T! EverSeal products are non-sacrificial, meaning that they don’t break down or deterioriate. This is why they last so long. You can see case studies on our website at everseal.com showing all the 3rd party testing that’s been conducted to simulate 50 years of weather exposure!

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