Energy 101: Cool Roofs
This edition of Energy 101 takes a look at how switching to a cool roof can save you money and benefit the environment.
This edition of Energy 101 takes a look at how switching to a cool roof can save you money and benefit the environment.
The video should have stated clear specific practical solutions and recommendations clearly.
Excellent Video. Thank you!
Tile roof homes in Arizona are everywhere, a thermal mass to keep your attic at 160F day and night !
@M R, thermal mass requires substantial mass(thickness, z-axis) versus a typical Arizona tile roof you’re pointing out, which is ONLY between 3/8” to 7/8”. Again, there is not enough mass(thickness, z-axis) for the tile roof to act as a legitimate thermal mass object.
Complete interior exterior paint
then more radiation (heat) reflected to the outerspace, less greenhouse effect.
Developer and society in general does not care until it is too late.
32.2 c
65.5 c
For those countries with an education
Fahrenheit is based on Celsius. Hell, most common US Customary Units are technically Metric.
A metre is not just a meter, it’s the distance light in a vacuum travels in 1/299, 792, 458 of a second. A foot is not a foot unless it’s exactly 0.3048 of a metre. A pound is officially defined as 0.45359237 kilograms, which is also based on Planck’s constant.
Both systems are based on the exact same measurements, the only difference is how we subdivide the units.
I guess you’re not from one of those countries then since you don’t know how to use punctuation, or that the C should be capitalized, or that (Alt+167) produces the º symbol! Pfft.
It’s important for homeowners to also note: A standard black surface has an initial solar reflectance index (SRI) of 0, and a standard white surface has an initial SRI of 100. At PERTEX Roofing, we offer the Pristine Pearl shingles that set a new standard with white laminate that is rated at .25 SRI and protected by Scotchgard,™ so the heat leaves but the color stays for homeowners living in Texas.
The average U.S. family spends nearly $1,300 a year on energy bills, with much of that energy being wasted due to air leaks, inefficient appliances and a general lack of attention on this important issue.
I’m sorry, but we have not reached Houston, yet. Thank you however for considering @PERTEX Roofing & Construction, LLC
+edward perez I moved to Texas about 2 years ago and just closed on a home in North west area of Houston. Does your company happen to serve Houston or can you distribute product there?
With Brewer Roofing & Construction, Inc. we have applied cool roof coatings to numerous commercial and industrial roofs and seen up to a 50 degree reduction in roof surface temperature as well as up to 30% reduction in cooling costs. We have also installed several cool membrane roofs with similar results. Huge savings for commercial and industrial customers and a huge benefit for the environment in energy efficiency.