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Dude Sells $3.2M Year in Roofing – Tells The Truth

Dude makes 3.2 million a year in roofing and tells the truth

Eric Reno on YouTube

How to Make 2 Million a Year in the Roofing Business with Eric Reno

Keith's List of Favorite Books

Eric Reno Roofing Playlist

Author: admin



  1. Jair Bear

    This is awesome, my entire life I was told “go to school, get a good job” – it was only after struggling to make ends meet while working all hours God sent did I realize that the only path to success it to pave my own road – keep up motivating others to be successful business owners!

    1. F.I.T. Martial Arts

      @thewormzerjr It doesn’t say “poor in wallet”. Poor in spirit means we have gone through life’s trials and have experienced spiritual brokenness so that it humbled us. 3 John 2

      Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.

  2. panther dad x3

    My son has started his own mowing business he is 13 and the city has gave him a plaque and award for youngest business enterpunurship award.
    He needs to follow and looks to learn new stuff.

  3. 5 Minutes Of Construction By ATX Stone

    Q: How did the nosy roofer end up doing such a bad job on-site?

    A: He couldn’t stop eavesdropping.
    ? h???

    Check us out some time we make awesome construction videos

    1. Adam Milton Green

      Unfortunately a lot of the people who want to be rappers are weak minded and think its an easy way to money and fame with out having to work hard everyday, a lot of them are weak minded and turn to drug dealing instead of trying to pick up a legitimate hustle. They cant sacrifice short term pleasure for long term pleasure unfortunately

    1. rudy trujillo

      So easy to do roofing? Sure, if you take shortcuts and do BS rush work it sure is. There’s nothing easy about investing on quality of workmanship, attention to detail, and safety.. And that is exactly the reason many Roofers do not get respect; many do BS work..

  4. Johnnytturbo

    Just call the YouTube channel by his name. It’s his personal brand, it will evolve and grow with him as he goes through his life. Tag/name videos based on their content – Paramount Roofing : blah blah blah, Eric Reno vlog: blah blah blah . No need for seperate channels.

    Did he just admit that he price fixes with his competitors on Angie’s list? Edit that out

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