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    1. Randy R

      @power bar we have 2 now. I use one personally for repairs or anything less than 2sq. I still run a regular pneumatic on other things though. The best thing about the Dewalt is that the batteries go with my skil saw, blower, jigsaw, and other Dewalt cordless stuff I already have.

    2. jmorley72

      Repairs especially.. saves time setting up, and faster than a magnetic hammer. And I wouldn’t listen to them about the weight being the same. My old Bostitch is way lighter. Anything less than 1-2 squares is ideal. Above that, and I’m getting the compressor.

  1. JJS Roofing

    There good. A little heavy. I’m sure with time they will get the weight down. You can the bigger batteries even the 60 volt works good and helps balance the nailer. You can get 25 to 30 bundles out of the 60 volt.
    Really nice no gas. A lot of crews are going totally cordless now.

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