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BRAND NEW DeWalt 20V Battery Powered Coil Roofing Nailer: Toolsday

I am excited about this brand new DeWalt 20V battery powered coil roofing nailer. This is Model Number DCN45RND1 and was just released. This is by no means going to be a direct replacement for your pneumatic roofing nailer, but the beauty is the potential for so much more across the construction site.

As you saw in the video demo, I will be using this nailer mainly to install metal trims, soffit, Versetta Stone, and many other applications yet to be discovered. As always, I will continue to use this on site, and you can follow along over on Instagram @rrbuildings.

Dewalt Roofing Nailer Affiliate Link: Thanks for the support!

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Author: admin



    1. Rooftop

      The biggest area we noticed was the feed mechanism. You noted it in your video that it felt chincy and it is. In any new product you will have to work out some problems but for $400 plus dollars I feel they could have done better. That wind up noise also would drive me bonkers.

    2. damn good

      Dewalt is so chintzey in general……plus their electronics in their tools aren’t potted either like Makita and Milwaukee so the dirt, dust, and water that you see on the daily destroys em. That wind up is so annoying I’d end up throwing it off the roof hahahaha

    1. DroidSaxYAcordeon

      Man!!!! Really appreciate it, we don’t always have the money to just get tools and hope for the best
      Your reviews help out make a more educated investment
      Like @EssentialCraftsman always says keep up the good work!

  1. terry devries

    Picked one up last Saturday, so far I am extremely impressed with it. A great tool for the guys to finish up cutting a rake or for doing the first few rows on the roof, no hose to deal with in those tight areas. Loving it so far.

    1. bolerdweller

      @Tony Holtum in repairs depending on how much you hand nail would be faster to just hand nail, I could see it being ok for backer board but when I install backer I screw it anyways. I dont think the technology is there for electric tools to compete with pneumatic, we have these ones and they are surprising that they are able to do what they do but they are still fragile. I have one of the dewalt spikers and one of the Brad nailers and they are just as bad as all of dewalts other tools with plastic parts where there shouldn’t be plastic parts. I have a friend that worked in the tool crib at a previous place of employment and these guns were in there every day

    2. Tony Holtum

      I think the potential to be better than a pneumatic nailer is totally there. It certainly won’t be faster, but some times it’s not all about speed of the nailer. If a tile installer uses this to install their backer board, or a roofing repair crew using it to replace a few blown off pieces of ridge or missing shingles. Certainly would be better in those scenarios. Just my opinion though.

    1. Randy R

      I picked one up for the same reason. I do most repairs myself while crews are on full re-roofs. When I add up the hours I’ll save unloading a compressor and running a hose, then putting it all away, it more than pays for itself in the extra repairs I can squeeze in every day.

    1. Hue Janus

      daniel buckner Did my fence with a 15gauge finish nailer, 4 nails per cross piece, toe nailed at about 25*. Looks good with no visible nails and has held up perfectly for about 10 years so far.

  2. ted sheldon

    I am in the roofing industry and this does have a good place. With a lot of shingle ridge vent being nailed with 1 3/4” nails this is a nice set. Also when shooting into exposed rafters.

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