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Best Way to Cut Corrugated Sheet Metal or Trapezoidal Roofing | Trumpf N 160 Li-ion Nibbler

Ever wonder about the best way to cut corrugated sheet metal or deep trapezoidal roofing and siding material? We compare a jigsaw, reciprocating saw, and 6-inch grinder against the 12V cordless Trumpf N 160 Li-ion Nibbler. We realize other methods exist as well (diamond wheels, power cutters, shears, etc), but we wanted to show you at least some of the common ways people cut this material in the field.

After you see our results, you may just want to run out and get your own Trumpf nibbler and save a lot of hassle, vibration, noise, and sparks. If you need cordless freedom—a 12V nibbler might be the best tool for this type of work.

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Author: admin



    1. fractalign

      A circular saw is definitely the most accurate for cutting roofing iron. It’s a question of whether you can source a special metal wheel or not. I used my worn out timber saw wheel, I found once the heat was generated, it cut through smoothly and the diameter of the blade over rode the difference in the corrugations.

  1. Tim Hill

    The nibbler has an advantage not mentioned over all the other tools, it has a shearing action which means when you cut galvanized sheets it will roll the galvanizing over the cut edge, this prevents rust.

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