Best Shed Roofing System Ever! | How to Build a Shed | Part 4
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Videos produced by Home Renovision are provided for informational purposes only. All material provided within this website is for informational, educational, & entertainment purposes only. Some of these projects, materials, and techniques may not be appropriate for all ages or skill levels. The DIY instructions used here are used to simply breakdown projects to their simplest steps. Please use a clear mind and use all safety precautions while following the tutorials provided by this site. Home Renovision does not make any claims of the safety of the projects, techniques, or resources listed on this site and will not take responsibility of what you do with the information provided by this site. Viewers must be aware by doing projects on their homes they are doing it at their own risk and Home Renovision cannot be held liable if they cause any damage to their homes. With different codes around the world and constantly changing standards, regulations and rules, it is the sole responsibility of the viewer to educate themselves on their local requirements before undertaking any sort of project. That being said Home Renovision cannot claim liability with all applicable laws, rules, codes and regulations for a project. Be safe, have fun renovating and ALWAYS stay informed with your local building code.
To watch the entire building process click this link. Cheers!
@Chris Moore 12″ centers are adequate for the design parameters. It’s all in the math.
Nice Video! Apologies for the intrusion, I am interested in your opinion. Have you tried – Mahorrla Wooden Paradise Method (do a search on google)? It is an awesome one off product for building better sheds and woodworking minus the headache. Ive heard some great things about it and my close friend Aubrey got astronomical results with it.
Cheers for the Video clip! Sorry for the intrusion, I would appreciate your opinion. Have you tried – Mahorrla Wooden Paradise Method (just google it)? It is a great exclusive product for building better sheds and woodworking minus the normal expense. Ive heard some unbelievable things about it and my mate after a lifetime of fighting got excellent results with it.
Cheers for the Video! Apologies for chiming in, I would appreciate your thoughts. Have you researched – Mahorrla Wooden Paradise Method (google it)? It is a smashing exclusive product for building better sheds and woodworking minus the normal expense. Ive heard some super things about it and my work buddy after many years got amazing results with it.
“safety Squintz”. I love it ……???
And as he’s finishing up the video, I see two birds fly by, eyeing up their new water-tight roosting shed. I didn’t see any soffit “guard” on the underside of the higher (large) overhang.
One thing I really love about this type of roof is that, if you can face the door north, that means your entire roof is exposed south, which means you can install solar panels over the whole thing and have POWER in your shed without running a power line. Should at least be enough power to run a couple of LED lights inside as well as charge up your tool batteries.
That may be a solution down the road. Cheers!
“It’s idiot proof. I use it all the time.”
This channel is underappreciated
It really is. First video I watched was A-Z drywall. Great channel.
Youssef Atif
He now has almost 1 million subs so he should be doing just fine financially with advertising. I’ve seen some channels that have between 2 and 3 million subs that earn USD$30,000 per month so you can estimate that he’s doing okay with room to grow even bigger while helping DIY people at the same time.
Do you Americans use one million of an inch? I reckon.
I want you to come to my house and redo it. You can make videos all you want. I also live in new jersey
i agree
This is an absolutely great DIY video with tremendous amounts of detail explained in laymen’s terms. Big fan, keep up the great work, I’ve learned a great deal tonight.
“A screw a day, keeps the doctor away” that’s what I have been telling the ol’ lady for years, but she only laughs at me.
Not me. She has a nice voice….BTW
So true
Ok, I really enjoyed the video. It’s real, I can laugh on how many thing I do the same.
Again great video, wish you were in Hawaii to help me with some of my projects.
Love watching you. Makes things so much more understandable. Wish this was 20 years ago, I would run and and start a shed now. Lol
I think Im missing something, how is the roof anchored to the walls?
33:08 lolll…being Canadian, that Red Green quote made the sip of water come out my nose?
This’s the best video! Easy to follow..Thank you for sharing…
“Bur-rilliant!” My fave part! ?
Mine too! Cheers Sandra!
This is really a great idea; especially for a shed. After scoring the sheet metal it is easier to “break” it if you bend away from the score, not over the score.
He did, if you noticed the aluminium has been flipped over!
“Activate our safety squints” ??
Guided by your videos
I was able to build a new gardening shack so fast,
I nearly shed my plants
DEPENDS on what you had for lunch !!
Once I got my OCD under control I found this video to be fantastic! BTW, the best line of all during the video was “A screw a day keeps the doctor away.” 😉
You explained perfectly even me coming from the uk got it easy. This is the kind if video that makes building projects simple. . Thanks mate.
Are you saying people from the UK are a bit dumb…?
I love how this guy makes look and explains things so simple.