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Architectural shingles vs Metal roofing: Which Roof is Best?

Steel vs Asphalt shingles: which is best for your house? We're here to answer! Be sure to leave your questions and comments below. For links to purchase Jeff's favorite products and help support our channel CLICK SHOW MORE ⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇

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► What to Expect When Changing Your Roof

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► How to Soundproof a Metal Roof (The Easy Way!)

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Author: admin



  1. Paul Saunders

    Here in the UK and Europe we use clay or concrete tiles or slate.. It’s the last thing we expect to do maintenance on apart from extreme storm damage. They should last at least a hundred years. Old houses that have Welsh slate roofs can last hundreds of years. We put shingles in our sheds and summer houses.

    1. Kay

      We have windows made through Farm and Home out of Kansas City/DesMoines. We put the windows in 12 yrs ago and they are LIKE NEW still (except for the dirt I haven’t cleaned out) . We just put in the same windows in the back of the house (1998 est) last Nov.

      Our original roof lasted 20 years, but was replaced because of a final bad hail storm. Our shingles were 25 yr and actually lasted longer than most houses in neighborhood. Current roof is a 50 year shingle roof.

  2. Fred Ward

    Thanks for this discussion of roofs. I live in Michigan and my 140 year old farm house has the same standing seam metal roof that my grandfather had installed about 1920. Throughout the years it was painted with a good rust resistant paint about every 15 years and it just keeps performing well—no holes and no leaks. So, some metal roofs do last 100 years ?

  3. Doug Berrett

    You likely don’t think of it in Canada, but here in the southern part of the US, the heat load is important. Metal roofs will lower the heat load on your AC. I know some think that reflective sheeting inside will overcome this, but it is not as good as rejecting the solar load on the outside.

  4. joed596

    If I had the money, I’d always go with a good, solid metal roof myself, Jeff ? I once owned (and worked very hard on) a circa 1844 wooden house. It originally had a shake roof, but was replaced with metal around the early 1900’s. Everything else went wrong, and I went bankrupt during the process, but the roof never leaked ? Cheers, Joe ???

  5. Steven Perry

    We did a metal roof about 9 years ago. A year after we had a hail storm with hail the size of tennis balls (no exaggeration) and the roof had to be replaced, looked like someone hit t with a ball peen hammer about every inch! Aug 2020 we had the Dericho, 120mph wind for over an hour. No roof damage, most shingle roofs in town lost 20-80% of the shingles! Metal all the way!!

  6. B May

    I think asphalt shingles are pretty bad, and I wish they were much less popular. They can’t be recycled, they leach oil into groundwater, they get soft in the heat and brittle in the cold, they shed granules into the gutters forever, and they look…okay. Metal really is the way to go, and if you want that shingle look, you can get metal “shingles”. One huge advantage of metal is that it has far fewer seams, and if you go with standing seam, it’s essentially one piece. I put snap-lock metal on my new shop and am glad I did. It’s easy to install, (relatively) inexpensive, easy to repair, recyclable, and immune to most weather. And it makes a nice sound when rained on!

    1. David Kirkham

      @Dan T. You hit the “nail” on the head! Exposed screws are a nightmare after 12 to 15 years! High maintenance because of the screws, paint issues etc. Plus in snow regions the snow sliding off the roof! Noise from metal, oil canning!

    2. James Hill

      @Travis Edwards Went over my policy. Seems everything but the roof is RCV. What little I could find in a brief online search is that in Canada it is RCV minus depreciation on shingles. DOH Canada!!! ?
      I’ll look into more another day. Have a good one.

    3. James Hill

      @Travis Edwards Thanks for the response. I’ll look into it. US does seem many times to have better “products” offered to people than in Canada. Not sure if this is the case here or not. ?

  7. Twitchy’s Garage

    Ok, I need you to come to NY. I just bought my first house. It needs a roof, some waterproofing in the basement, wiring, kitchen needs updated, and garage needs a roof. Your work is amazing and I’m starting to not trust anyone to work on my house but you lol

  8. Ash

    I’m from UK and roofs last longer than a lifetime, why is everything made to fail in the USA when you could easily make a roof last a lifetime, oh wait it’s all a complete con to keep economy going.

    1. Infinity TV

      Because we live in a capitalist country, you see the roofer wearing a $70 Nike T-shirt that guy bought that shirt from a Store, the store hires a bunch of people that people go to McDonald’s or buy houses, that people then hire the guy from Renovision, then the guy from Renovision can install a new roof…that’s why our country is more powerful than yours and better looking, I have been in UK and it’s depressing to see your 100 years old roof…

    2. Michael Bacile

      I live in a 120 year old farm house in Florida. It has the original steel roof. It’s oxidizing a little but it’s still got another 40 years easy if I keep taking care of it. Seeing as how the roof only cost about 4,000$USD our roofing systems are fantastic if done properly and cared for.

    1. Suntory Time

      people REALLY need to get the idea out of their heads that solar + roofing = good idea. solar tiles are here, great, i like those better, but you will pay an enormous premium to have those made, im sure. solar panels on the other hand are an absolute nightmare & i wish (as a roofer) these things were never created.

    2. James

      @Ron Miller I’m strongly considering that, actually. There are a lot of downsides to putting panels or solar tiles on your roof. A a platform in the backyard would get less light but it eliminates a lot of the drawbacks/expense.

  9. Adam Lewellen

    4 places in life to NEVER go cheep. Shoes, bed, foundation, roof. You live on you feet, die on your back. The best remodel is garbage if the roof leaks and foundation crumbles.. u can fix a old kitchen by your self. Not the roof..

  10. Existential Paint

    Jeff, my man, I can not thank you profusely enough for all you do now that I’ve started house shopping in earnest. I’ve already skipped over several landmines either from a seller trying to attract a flipper or one that a flipper already did an immensely halfass job on trying to turn a huge profit. You will absolutely have me as a new member by the time I find a house worth my time and money. Respect!

  11. Gina Cirelli

    Jeff, your comment about not having good airflow in your farmhouse made me think of another question. I also only have gable vents in my house, and I’ve recently had air conditioning put in. Now I’m concerned if I need an attic fan to prevent condensation, but I have no idea where to start. (Also I know this is a DIY channel, but I think I’d be having someone else do it.) Could you do an episode on attic fans, please?

  12. Lisa Schreiber

    thanks for this, I have to replace my roof this year. here in 9b because of the heat, car batteries are another item that even though there’s a general warranty of life expectancy you usually will get a year to a year and a half less out of it.

  13. Rob

    Good video as I did my roof a few years ago. I went with the same product you did and the main reason I did not do a steel roof is because none of the steel roof companies were going to do a pull off of my shingles. All 4 companies I had quotes with tried telling everyone it was not necessary and it saves the environment LoL. I said no it saves them money and I want the inspection to make sure everything is in good shape. They all wanted extra money to pull the shingles off. I thought that was a poor way to do business and did not want to worry if I had issues a few years later due to missed rot under the shingles as my roof was 15 years old. I’ve seen all these steel roofs going up in my area and nobody is pulling the old roof off.

  14. Joshua Cassino

    It must be tough to sell Jeff a product. He probably knows more sometimes and he can sniff out the BS. That’s why originally I learned construction because now I know if a guy is a dud or actually knows what he’s talking about

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