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In this video COMPLETE TILE RE-ROOF (PART 1), Will takes you through a step by step roof replacement, as usual he gives you roofing tips along the way. We show you how to strip an old roof by removing the old roof lath, removing old roof tiles and then show you the process of felting a roof and fixing new roof lath before laying new roof tiles.

PLEASE NOTE: we’ll endeavour to answer questions and comments as soon as possible depending on our work schedules.


Music from Epidemic Sound and the YouTube Audio Library

#Roofing #Tiles #Construction

Author: admin



  1. Atomic Batteries To Power

    How do I stop rodents getting in? I noticed rat poo in my attic. They have torn right through the membrane. Popped a couple of roof tiles just above the gutter and got a shock, the sea of it in between the tiles and the membrane was unbelievable. The ridge lines and gable ends are pointed in w cement, but how do I stop them getting in from the gutter. I think there is a big enough gap for them to just squeeze “up and under” the tiles. Mine are the flat clay tiles but they have a bit of a gap under the middle of the tile. Also I think my velux windows might have been put in incorrectly: There is flashing, but they just cut the tiles and there is no side-protection to prevent the rodents just going right on in, left and right of the window. Do you point / cement the sides of the tiles around the velux?

    1. The Tall Carpenter

      All the roofers I know are really cool guys. They seem to have an, ‘easy’, attitude and are hard grafters. Its got to be something to do with being outdoors all the time and they are a fairly hardy bunch.?

  2. Martin Brice

    Wills a legend love your videos mate always well explained real professional. Why did you paint the rafter feet black btw they on show? Would of been great to see the whole set up marking out the battens and setting up 1st rows but I know you boys are busy appreciate all you same ??

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