How To Make Better Roofs In Minecraft
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“new to the game” I’ve played for 6 years and I still build like this lol
@Farzy I had a bit of trouble building a roof (not because of you) so I had to literally build a whole new underground base far away from my house just so that I didn’t have to build a roof ?
Thanks dude. I made a nice house but I have a problem with a roof. Now, it will be perfect
You’re very welcome 🙂
Like this channel because he doesn’t advertise his channel and stays humble. Even with a small crowd he still stays motivated and posts regularly, really persistent and in a very good mood.
Keep it up Farzy!
@Toukittou haha lmao you’re so funny haha, ?
Farzy or fartzy or whatelse i can call u thanks
Roman his video has only one video and it’s at the end who watches the 8:07 video completely.
Good job farzy.nice
I duuno man I got an ad
@Farzy Thanks I have been playing for 2 or 3 years and I make houses but I aways do the first one and I hate it but I try to do a roof but failed but this helps me I just need practice
Lmao i didn’t know making roof was that easy!
I followed the fourth one and i had a really nice looking house.Thank you so much!!
No problem!
Your so good at teaching other you tubers do it really fast but you do it step by step and it really helps me with my building thank you!
Happy to help!
The 4th roof is the average roof and I just built that today as I only started Minecraft a few months ago and I’ve been building flat roofs
Thank you!
Awesome! Just what I was looking for haha!
Eb3n perfect 🙂
Now this is an epic poggers moment. Thanks for the tutorial. It was amazing!
You’re very welcome!
Thanks so much, man i never knew how to make such a good roof, the first roof i made it was on a shitty house, and i made it horrible at first, it was flat, but when i made a nice house, i made a better roof because of this vid. Thx so much dude.
You are welcome 🙂
Thank You bro it’s helpful
No problem
Thank you! I always have had trouble making roofs and this video helped me a lot! I like how you just get to the point and teach very well!
ahhh ty!! i liked my house but couldn’t settle on a roof this is amazing 🙂
Glad I could help!
Bless this man, I’m new at the game and this mega helped
This was so helpful and I just wanna say thank you.
You’re so welcome!
this helped me so much this needs more likes thanks my guy 🙂
Thank you this is so helpful for my survival world
Glad I could help
I’m having some trouble doing it on a bigger house, would I keep going? need some tips!!
Love it can’t wait to try this out tomorrow. Well today it’s 4am I been STRUGGLING to make the last roof but now it seems easy
Good luck!
thx bro now i can build a second house,, i dont usually build like the 2d roofs i just use slabs and this really helped me a lot thx!
Glad to hear it!