Do It Yourself Home Roofing
This is a step by step video of myself doing my own roof. This was my first roof I've ever done and wanted to share some of the lessons I learned along the way. The video covers the roof job from start to finish. Hopefully it expresses the commitment and work required in doing your own roof.
Hey man, I come from 11 years roofing background. Just watched your vid. The plywood is suppose to be staggered not only for structural integrity but also if the boards warp youre going to see those plywood edges lift all your shingles vertically from eave to ridge. Also, the shingle you installed over your new chimney front pan is actually suppose to be underneath of the flashing, otherwise youre going to get residual water in and behind into your house. That’s a quick fix, lift it up and install it underneath the metal, reinstalled the metal using grommets instead of face nailing it (nails don’t have threading and will vibrate out in time). Cheers
@TJ Braden Start with half sheet of ply. Staggered joints. Never seam on seam
TJ Braden staggered like zigzag
What do you mean by staggered?
well you will be good for another 20 years …..nice job..( I gota do mine but it scares me I am 68 years old but ( a mans gota do what a mans gota do )
Hey man, got a new roof?…
OMG, you poor thing! I know that feeling of what did I get myself into & how can I keep going when I’ve got nothing left(?)… yet still knowing that once you pulled it apart, you can’t stop until it’s back together! Congratulations! You should be really proud… I don’t even know you & I’m proud of you!! 🙂
nailing gun 100 $
What’s up with all of the folks complaining about how long it took him to complete the job. I’m pretty sure it’s his home and you’re not paying him to do it. I see a thing or two I would’ve done differently but anyhow, good job brother!! For all of you miserable Debbie Downer folks, go jump off a damn roof because nobody wants to hear your misery!!!
Great Job! Reminded me when I did my own roof many moons ago. The daily updates really helped show the progression of the project. My hats off to you. You showed a lot of character and patience to get er done. Roof looks awesome!
Thank you for sharing your experience with roofing, it’s great for those people that do not want to hire a professional company like us! #RoofingAustin
Thank you for taking the time to film. It helps a lot!
I think you did an awesome job… Kudos to you! That was an extremely large project to undertake. Bravo….young man!
please for goodness sake read the manufacturers recommendations…..
Thank you for taping the video from start to the end. Mad respect!
How did u managed to work at night without neighbor complaining or calling the cop
I watched this all the way through, and there is nothing wrong with my roof. Good job, I really respect your can do spirit. That was a big project but you saw it through. Liked the way you walked your viewers through it step by step.
i really appreciate that u made a mistake about the plywood staging , and you admit it in this video ,your honest contractor and wish you all the best ,,,
Wow, huge undertaking! I thought I was being bold/brave for ripping out my tub and building a tile shower. This make my project seem tame (even though it took me 9 weeks).
28:38, nice.
Right on. my roof is toast after the crazy amount of wind we’ve had in tacoma this year. this summer my roommate and I are going to replace the shingles, thanks for the video
Good work man! I’ve done my fair share of roofing definitely no fun by yourself and with out air nailers! Nice to see your attention to detail too!
I just got my first home tackling this job with no “know how” good video! of many to help ease my mind of complications DIY has always been my thing.