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  1. Fragarbai

    I’ve watched many of your projects including this one in its entirety so far and I’d have to say that I’d hire you in an instant to do any job for me Jesse. Excellent job, great attention to detail and going that extra mile for things the customer might never see, know about or understand. Well done. Nice job ????

  2. Colin Ratcliffe

    Well there’s an old saying, “You carnt make a silk purse out of the sows ear”. Jesse the existing roof was a sows ear to start with and it turned pretty good. Love your video mate. Cheers from the land down under. ??

  3. Dylan Trinder

    Jesse, that roof looks awesome. Defo a great idea going for the shingles, it’s made a huge positive difference. Thanks for sharing, looking forward to the next video. Give AC a poke too, he’s been very quiet recently, haha.

  4. Bonnie Hollingsworth

    It was genius to design that gable into the new roof. It really helps meld that impossible roof grade. This above and beyond build will keep this house in some family for generations.

    1. Wayne Crews

      That’s when you get into the “You might as wells.”
      Been on lots of job sites of my Dad’s where that started to happen. Sometimes you avoid going further into something because then you have to meet code requirements and then you might as well………..

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