Leave any questions you have about roofing OR landscaping down below.
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Happy Simming!
This tutorial covers the BASICS fo roofing in the sims 4. Might do a more indepth tutorial in the future if you guys would like that. Also planning to do a landscaping tutorial soon – so please leave all your landscaping questions down below!
Hope this is helpful for some of you. ❤️
MsGryphi I love how you yelled first ?
Thank god xD Roofing isn’t such a struggle for me but any house looks so empty without landscaping. I feel like whenever my builds get to that point, I just bulldoze it because I don’t know how to do landscaping without it looking either too much or just really random
Nice tutorial ? do you know how to get the 3 dots on ps4 maybe? Anyway I am thrilled to see the landscaping video cause you are the best one at that in my opinion.
Im having so much trouble with victorian style roofing 🙁 i wish you could do a video on that
“Of this simple shaped house..”
I can barely build a two floored house ?♂️?♂️
Aww don’t say that! Just gotta practice 🙂
4:42 So THAT’S how you do it… I’ve been wondering why everyone (on youtube) had that 3 dots that they can use while mine is just 1… XD
Right I have played the sims for 5 years and never knew how to do that
BLESS FOR A ROOF TUTORIAL!!!!! I NEED THIS SO BADLY! (Also I’m a huge fan and think you are a wonderful builder! I hope to be as good as you one day ❤️)
aw thank you so much Phoebe! 🙂
I thought I knew almost everything about roofing, but I never knew about the alt/pitch thing and the ctrl+c/three point thing! Awesome video, it’s so helpful but also entertaining! Next do you think you could do one on clutter, specifically on how much or how little clutter to alt place and what looks good? I think I’ve kind of got it but it would be cool to se your opinion?
Glad this is helpful! and maybe! 🙂
By the way, you can use the “Gravel Delite” roof texture on any floor that is above ground level!
This ^^
Omg thank you for this! I’m struggling so much with roofs ??
Glad you found it helpful!
I’m just now getting into building in The Sims even though I’ve played the game since the first version. I learned so much from this! Thank you!
Aww thats amazing! So happy to hear this was helpful for you 🙂
I can’t figure out the flat roofs to save my life ?
13:47, Omg, the roof looks like an ice cream sandwich or an Oreo!…..just thought I’d say that
I honestly didn’t think I was going to learn anything new but I WAS SO WRONG!!!! Thanks so much for making this tut!
Glad you learned something! 🙂
Thank you so much I’m terrible at roofing lol
Keep on practicing 🙂
Damn I thought I knew the sims 4 xD I love ur vids btw
This is the roofing tutorial I NEEDED. You really explained in detail and from scratch how to roof homes and this was incredibly helpful ! ? I’ve been binge watching your builds lately
SHIFT C!!!!! I always forget that command!!!
Shift C & Alt with roofs?? I never knew! Thank you for sharing!
This video makes me happy.. I wonder why??
“A little bit of shape
*that’s a tree*
A little bit of shape”
Yes finally now I know how to make a greenhouse with a glass roof
I always have a problem with the roof. maybe it will change now ☺️