Cabin in the Woods 26: Standing Seam Metal Roofing Flashing Details
In this episode of cabin in the woods, I start by sharing our method of installing our cap trim over the Versetta Stone. Then we transition into the the standing seam metal roofing flashing details necessary to maintain a leak proof roof. Mainly I show you how to install the metal trim flashing details where the standing seam roof transitions to the metal siding.
We have been using the new Stabila LAR 160 G rotary laser around site, which you may have noticed. The best part about this laser, is the fact it has everything you'd want from a rotary laser, without all the potentially unnecessary options that comes on the LAR 350. So if you are in the market for a rotary laser, it would be a great option. I am thinking about a future Toolsday video comparing the two. If you have questions or ideas for the comparison please drop them below in the comments.
You can purchase the LAR 160 G below
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Thanks for watching todays video. Just wait until the end wall gets done and all the windows and steel are installed!! Going to be awesome
Question, why do you use a hammer and nail sometimes then use a powered nailer other times?
RR Buildings the level of detail in your work is inspirational to many other builders out here. Thanks
Im trying to wrap my head around j trim on a door, there is no nail-fin or ledge to tuck the J trim into do you have to order the door with brick mold? Ive been re watching a bunch of your videos to see if you’ve covered this but cant find it.
I think new construction homes would be worth the price if I know they were putting as much attention to detail as you do in your builds.
You are a master of “sheet metal origami “.
“Daddy, mom is watching the cute builder guy on your computer” greetings from Bolivia!!!
It’s ok. Daddy can just watch the welcome to the woods girl. ??
It’s not a big deal. I’ll just watch this channel along my wife!
And… and… and… she say he got a bubble butt! Lmao ????
Ownnnn… give her a break darling!
I would have used all my profits from the whole job trying to get that corner wrapped.
I’m a teacher for a CTE (Career and Tech Education Center, and want to thank you for the extra time spent to help educate me and our youth. I love the attention to detail! I’m glad to see that other people still take pride in what they do, and you lead by example! THANK YOU!
You could almost press play and let them watch then pause it to talk through what he’s doing and do it themselves. Especially those first few bends. They could do that with scraps. We need a bigger emphasis on CTE. We don’t have enough skilled laborers in our country and everyone doesn’t need to go to college. Appreciate what you do.
You are so welcome!
I love the essential craftsman and I just watched a diresta for the first time it was super good
We show Kyle’s vids as well as Essential Craftsman and some DiResta in Tech class.
That cut around the corner was like a surgery
4:40 still amazes me how you do that so perfectly all about the math!!!
What masterful trim work Kyle I would classify you as a trim artist.
I really like when it’s time for metal details in these builds. Learning so much mate, appreciate the love you put into creating this material.
God how does it feel to get paid for doing something as perfect as you can instead of just getting it done. So ?
hey Kyle, your math background really helps BUT your eye for meticulous detail does not go unnoticed I just wished
you did jobs as far away as Florida.Love your work.
Winter is coming! Illinois will soon become windswept tundra. You just might get your wish!
Seriously, I love the way you do those side trims, absolutely brilliant and so neat!, I’m truly impressed.
It always makes my day when a new RR Buildings video drops!
The attention to detail in your work is incredible, love these videos, keep them coming.
I love watching your attention to every detail. I want to move to your building area just so I can have you build me a house!
Started watching about a year ago and love each and every episode. Great craftmanship a lost art. Glad to see there are still some world class craftmans like you left!!
Kyle, I love metal buildings but I’m allergic to metal; every-time I start cutting, forming and working metal my hands crack open and bleed.
“Get outta town”…that was brilliant, they way you folded that corner was pure genius. It’s like Origami flashing art!
This isn’t just a building, this is art!!!
I just hope the owners appreciate it as much as we do Kyle! Awesome attention to detail