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Cabin in the Woods 26: Standing Seam Metal Roofing Flashing Details

In this episode of cabin in the woods, I start by sharing our method of installing our cap trim over the Versetta Stone. Then we transition into the the standing seam metal roofing flashing details necessary to maintain a leak proof roof. Mainly I show you how to install the metal trim flashing details where the standing seam roof transitions to the metal siding.

We have been using the new Stabila LAR 160 G rotary laser around site, which you may have noticed. The best part about this laser, is the fact it has everything you'd want from a rotary laser, without all the potentially unnecessary options that comes on the LAR 350. So if you are in the market for a rotary laser, it would be a great option. I am thinking about a future Toolsday video comparing the two. If you have questions or ideas for the comparison please drop them below in the comments.

You can purchase the LAR 160 G below

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Author: admin



    1. Scott

      Im trying to wrap my head around j trim on a door, there is no nail-fin or ledge to tuck the J trim into do you have to order the door with brick mold? Ive been re watching a bunch of your videos to see if you’ve covered this but cant find it.

  1. R Hinners

    I’m a teacher for a CTE (Career and Tech Education Center, and want to thank you for the extra time spent to help educate me and our youth. I love the attention to detail! I’m glad to see that other people still take pride in what they do, and you lead by example! THANK YOU!

    1. Kings’ Outdoor Life

      You could almost press play and let them watch then pause it to talk through what he’s doing and do it themselves. Especially those first few bends. They could do that with scraps. We need a bigger emphasis on CTE. We don’t have enough skilled laborers in our country and everyone doesn’t need to go to college. Appreciate what you do.

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