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ചൂടും ഭാരവും ഇല്ല MFP Roofing Tile|Nano ceramic roofing tile|Ceramic roofing tile|New Roofing Ideas

Nono Ceramic Roofing Tiles
MFP ( Mineral Fiber Polimer )
Mob :6282652212

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വിളിക്കുന്നവർ 9:00 AM ന് ശേഷവും 5:00 pm ന് മുൻപും വിളിക്കുക
sunday holiday ആണ്

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?. What is Mineral Fiber Polimer (MFP)
It is a form of a nano ceramic minaral composition with extremely high shock resistant and recognized for being high thermal insulation. During manufacturing process material goes through a specific thermal treatment called density polimerization in order to guarantee to a better mechanical & thermal resistance.

?.properties of Mineral Fiber Polimer
It has been shown that short mineral fibres from slag have rather high strength properties and surface free energy, and also that they have a stable chemical composition. Ground up mineral fibres can be used as a fibrous filler for plastics and inorganic meterials

?.Roof Tiles
Roof tiles are designed mainly to keep out rain, and are traditionally made from locally available materials such as terracotta or slate. Modern materials such as concrete, metal and plastic are also used and some clay tiles have a waterproof glaze.

?. Roofing Shingles.
Roof shingles are a roof covering consisting of individual overlapping elements. These elements are typically flat, rectangular shapes laid in courses from the bottom edge of the roof up, with each successive course overlapping the joints below. Shingles are held by the roof rafters and are made of various materials such as wood, slate, flagstone, metal, plastic, and composite materials such as fibre cement and asphalt shingles. Ceramic roof tiles, which still dominate in Europe and some parts of Asia, are still usually called tiles. Roof shingles may deteriorate faster and need to repel more water than wall shingles. They are a very common roofing material in the United States.


?. Query Solved
1. Roofing
2. Ceramic tile Roofing
3. Sheet roofing
4. Shingles roofing
5. What is Mineral Fiber Polymer ( MFP)
6. What is Nano Ceramic ?
7. Nano Ceramic roofing tile
8. Advantages of Mfp
9. Is this roof tile fade Colour ?
10.Is this roof tile is breakable ?
11. Is mfp roof tiles attracted lightning ?
12. weight of mfp roof tiles ?
13. Difference between Ceramic roof tiles
14. Difference between Shingles
15. Rate of mfp roof tile
16. Colour availability
17. Sound dampness
18. certification
19. Heat discharging property
20. New Roofing ideas
20. Roofing ideas

Interior design is the art and science of enhancing the interior of a building to achieve a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing environment for the people using the space. An interior designer is someone who plans, researches, coordinates, and manages such enhancement projects. Interior design is a multifaceted profession that includes conceptual development, space planning, site inspections, programming, research, communicating with the stakeholders of a project, construction management, and execution of the design.

0:00 – Intro
01:09 -mineral fibre polymer( MFP)
02:21 – Nano ceramic
04:00 – Advantages of MFP
05:50 – weight of MFP
06:48 – Is it breakable?
07:10 – Is it a pvc product ?
07:45 – Colour fading
08:25 – Lighting effect
09:01 – Fungal & Algae attack
10:43 – Water proofing property
11:56 – Heating property
14:34 – Sound damping property
15:05 – Product Availability
16:17 – Networking
16:41 – why didn't use Clay in mfp
17:15 – Rate/Price
17:25 – Design
18:12 – Homogeneous property
18:31 – Leakage problem
20:00 – Outro
20:45 – End
Hi friends,
Myself Ajay Sankar.S. I am an Interior consultant. I have long 14 years experience in building material industry. I have worked with Tile, MDF, Plywood & Multi wood industries.

This is my YouTube channel . "Dr. Interior" introduces you varieties of interior making products and designs. I Review houses & commercial interiors, building materiels and i also introduce you masters in Interior designing industry.

Please visit my channel and Do Like & Subscribe if you find my videos are useful. Give your valuable suggestions and feedbacks as comments.

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Author: admin



  1. Dr. Interior

    ഈ വിഡിയോയിൽ റേറ്റ് ഉൾപ്പടെ ഉള്ള എല്ലാ ഡീറ്റൈൽസും കൃത്യമായി പറയുന്നുണ്ട് എല്ലാവരും മുഴുവൻ കാണുക . ഇഷ്ടപെട്ടാൽ മാത്രം ഷെയർ ചെയ്യുക. ഒരു product പരിചയപ്പെടുത്തലാണ് താല്പര്യമുള്ളവർ try ചെയ്യുക.
    Thank u ❣️….

  2. AbhiRaj SreeDevi

    Apart everything, The main point that i notice here is what ever the question/doubt is, she explained it in the scientific way. I am so happy on her approach towards the question. And you also done your job well brother. Best wishes❤️
    For the one who is concern about the quality, will not compare the expence with normal tiles.

  3. Hadi Manha

    സിമ്പിളായിപറഞ്ഞാൽ ഇതിൽ അന്നജവും ഗ്ലോക്കോസും പിന്നെ വെയ്റ്റമിൻ c, യും അടങ്ങിയിട്ടുണ്ട് ???

  4. dream vibe

    Sir എല്ലാത്തിന്റെയും price ചോദിക്കും അത് അടിപൊളിയാണ് ???❣️
    സാദാരണക്കാർക്ക് മനസ്സിലാക്കാൻ എളുപ്പമാണ് ???⚡️

  5. PD M

    Comparing roof tile weight to water tank is not valid. The former is effectively a distributed load while latter is more a point load. My 70 year old house has at least 4,000 clay tiles. There is no single crack on the walls or wrapage on the rafters holding them up. So weight is not the issue. Further light weight roof tiles will be lifted up by the wind easily. So extra clamping needed in MFP. So the feature of air passing through these tiles is an impediment.

    I see a lot of gap between MFP standard tiles and the corner tiles. Gap enough for rats, squirrels and similar animals to easily enter the attic/room to create havoc.

    The colours, especially terracotta does not look natural. So this needs to be improved.

    The company should look at adopting the same/similar profile as the standard clay tiles. This way people can consider it as a replacement, but not if it means making modifications to the existing rafters.

    The price is not at all consumer friendly!

  6. Tigin Abraham

    Good Afternoon Mr Ajay..Could you please share the location of this video as I liked the background building exterior cladding work ,can you please let me know what material they used as exterior cladding ….many thanks

  7. John T Mathews

    #Light weight is good
    #Unfading colour is good
    #Prevents heat is good
    #Prevent sound is good
    #Readly available is good
    #Service to site is good
    Hence it is locally made, you must reduce the price from Rs85 to Rs50
    Missing points:

    1) Will this tiles flew away in wind ?
    2) What about the durability ?

    1. Dr. Interior

      കാറ്റിൽ പറക്കില്ല bcz ഇന്റർലോക്കിങ് ആണ്, screw ഉണ്ട് &ടൈയ്യിങ് ഉണ്ട്.
      Sorry for missing this ?❣️

  8. Thanal Man

    Sir toughened glassine, കുറിച്ച് ഒരു എപ്പിസോഡ് ചെയ്യാമോ. Staircase hand rail, പറഗോള, showcases തുടങ്ങിയവയിലൊക്കെ ഗ്ലാസ്‌ വീട് നിർമ്മാണത്തിന് അവിഭാജ്യ ഘടകം ആണല്ലോ.

  9. Uvaise Basheer

    very informative video. ഈ വിഡിയോയിൽ ഉള്ള വീടിന്റെ ഡിസൈൻ കുറിച്ച് കൂടുതൽ അറിയാൻ എന്തെങ്കിലും മാർഗ്ഗമുണ്ടോ . Cost of development and architect.

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